Sunday, 21 October 2012


“Badhai ho, ladka hua hai.” Nurse said to my father. He was happy because I was the only son who born after five daughters. He took me in his arms and said, “Bilkul maa par gaya hai. (He resembles his mother)”. So my story started from there only………

I bought up in a family where there were six ladies, so may be this was the reason my friends always laugh on me when they see me doing normal things. They laugh, when I talk. They laugh, when I walk. I was like a butt of ridicule for them. My body structure and my behavior was a bit famine, according to them. May be that’s why I got the title “The Mama’s Boy.” That time I accepted the title because yes, she was the most important lady of my life. I loved her and can do anything she asks.

My friends called me to play cricket in afternoon but my mother rejected, in turn I rejected. They called me “Mama’s Boy” and laughed. My friends told me to bunk classes but I refused to betray my family (My Mother). They called me “Mama’s Boy”. They offered me cigarette but principles of mother came in the way. They called me “Mama’s Boy.” My girlfriend left me saying me “Mama’s Boy.”

Firstly I enjoyed the title, then I managed with it, then that title started annoying me. I am a big man now, not a boy who will always step behind because of his mother’s principle. Screw the principles……….

Then came the time to say good bye to family for studying in abroad. My mother cried and I smiled a lot on that day. At last I got the chance to change my life now.

I drunk, I took cigarettes and also started to take drugs. Wow, what a life. My Mom called me many times in a day but I seldom replied her. Slowly number of calls from her side decreased. I was lost in the freedom, freedom from that bloody title.

One day we were having fun with our juniors. While that fun we came to know that one of them doesn’t have mother. He cried like a small kid. At that moment my heart’s sleep broke.

I realized the emptiness of mother from someone’s life, from my life. There’s nothing                                        bad in being Mama’s Boy. This only shows your affection to that great lady who felt pain, and then only you came to this world. Tears rolled down my eyes.

I called my mother, she didn’t receive. I called again, no reply. I called many times, still the same result. I called my sister then, firstly she didn’t say anything. I forced her, and then she told me the truth. My mother was in hospital. She had cancer and was in last stage. That is why she wasn’t calling. She told everyone to not to tell me about this. She wanted me to study, to become a great man in future. She didn’t want to hurt me, and I hurt her.

I took the next flight to home, reached hospital but was late. She was gone, leaving me alone, leaving this “Mama’s Boy”. I could only cry on myself………………..

Thursday, 11 October 2012


“Now, children follow me.” Said middle aged woman to the bunch of children in school uniform of age group below 10 years, maybe she was the teacher of those children. All the children slowly started to follow her. In the background a sweet, slow music was running which sometimes fades and a beautiful voice of a lady announces, “Welcome to the History museum” and again the music resumes.
“Children please, now have a look at this picture.” That woman grabbed the attention of children and showed a portrait on the wall. “This lady’s name is Ria. Some people say that she was able to see the future. Many scientists worked on her ability and tried to find out the reason behind this ‘Future Philosophy’ but everything failed when she died.”
One boy from the crowd of children asked, “How did she die?”
Firstly the teacher hesitated to say anything but after a while she said, “Look at your back, that window. She jumped down from that window. This museum was once her own house.” Boy stared on that window…………
Boy faded, and slowly the children, that woman, the whole museum faded. Lights got replaced by darkness and the music by quietness. The only thing Ria can listen was her fast beating heart.
Ria was standing on that window, ready to end this curse, by ending this miserable life. She regained her breath and said, “Please leave me alone, I don’t want to see these future dreams. At least let me die in peace.” Tears started to flow down her cheeks. She rubbed those water droplets, gained strength, and jumped down. She was in the mid air when…………
Building from where she jumped faded, trees faded and finally she herself faded.
Ria opened her eyes on bed. “How many times will you show me this same dream?” She screamed while catching her breath again. “I am not a coward, understand. You took everything from me but can’t take my courage back. I will fight you, I will fight my destiny………….”

Saturday, 6 October 2012


The day was calm… with the beautiful sun shimmering in between the dark grey clouds… streams of rays entered the room through the window. The raindrops played beautiful music… the room beamed like some new jewel brought into the light after a polishing cut… the room was beautiful in its calmness except for the morning breeze whistling and the tiny birds chirping… the room was covered with light shades of wallpaper..A vase of white lilies stood in a corner filling the air with its fragrance… few art crafts filled the walls… and the table near the window stood with photographs of a little girl and a young woman… and then a teenage girl proudly showing off her trophy… and a photo showed a girl in her twenties adorned in white wedding dress, love filled eyes held by a young handsome man. An old lady with freckles on her childlike face sat close to the window pane… as I went near to check on her… she looked at me with the same kindness and love that her eyes always had… I kissed her on the fore head wished her “happy birthday”… she smiled and gave me the sheet of paper… it had her still beautiful handwriting… I recognized it was a page from her diary… I looked at her… she wanted me to read it… I took the papers and started to read.

“I walked in as usual finishing my morning prayers to my silent den… the day was beautiful… the morning rain has left the grass damp ,showered the flowers and wetted the usually dry ground…the scent of fresh soil lingered.. It felt good when the smell tickled my senses and that made sure that I can smell even now… I sat in my favourite spot dragging my chair nearer to the window… window panes had water droplets… Still fresh as dew drops… I drew a smiling face with the moisture on the glass pane… though not so perfect it looked good… as I sat back looking at the smiling face… memories filled my head…
“Mummy!! The clouds are crying!!” shrieked a tiny figure jumping up and down in the front of my eyes.
I went and grabbed her in my arms comforting her said “darling they aren’t crying … they are tears of happiness” with a smile on my face…
The tiny gal wasn’t convinced…she asked,”why are they so happy?? They even flooded dolly’s house mummy… where will my dolly stay?”
“Remember you came first in your class. That’s why they are happy… and our dolly can stay with us here…” she smiled and gave me a kiss…
My heart felt alive every time she did that… her little body hugged me and she said “I love you mummy”………
I couldn’t hold back my tears. I kissed her on the forehead and said “love you too honey”
She ran back and vanished into room… my little angel had grown too fast before my eyes… the first time she called me “mom”. The times she won the music competition… the times she won her painting competition…
And on her thirteenth birthday she cried for a mobile…the first time she wanted to know about her dad and when I said he is dead… for the first time she called me liar… I was hurt yet she was my daughter… she had all the rights… when she learned the truth about her dad’s second marriage she apologized… I forgave her without waiting for her to apologize…her wedding… my daughter’s wedding… I made it extraordinary… and she said I showed off her like a trophy…she didn’t know that she actually was a trophy to me… my most valuable trophy…things changed when I got old.. I needed her assistance for every single tiny and big thing… I became a hindrance to her… she never said it but I felt it… my son –in-law showed it openly… I moved out…I moved out of her life forever…
I got everything; I did everything I could do for her… My angel… I lived my life for her… I didn’t expect anything in return… but today I expect like every year… Just one call from my little angel… because it’s my 75th birthday… and I will still continue to expect that one call till my dying day… Bless you my child.”

A tear rolled down my cheeks… it was then I realized I had been crying… I looked at her not knowing how to comfort her… I am there for you always said my heart… And…as if she read my mind, tears brimmed her eyes.. And they slowly closed… Her breathing slowed steadily and stopped forever…At last she got , what she wanted. She got her trophy, her gift. Me………………